Monday, October 15, 2012

Rochester Area JAMS

3:00 pm Fourth Sunday: Johnny's Irish Pub, Rochester: Irish Music Session

6:00 pm Irish Music Session in East Rochester at McGraws

7:30 pm Twelve Corners Presbyterian Church, Brighton: Golden Link Singaround
8:00 pm Johnny's Irish Pub, Rochester: open mic with String Theory

7:00 pm First Thursday of the month: Ukulele Support Group: Rochester at Bernunzio's
7:00 pm Second Thursday: Intermediate Bluegrass Jam: Rochester at Bernunzio's
7:00 pm Third Thursday: Irish Music Session in East Rochester at McGraw's
7:00 pm Third Thursday: Beginning Bluegrass Jam: Rochester at Bernunzio's with Ben Proctor

7:15 pm East side of Rochester: with the Fiddlers of the Genesee

7:00 pm Second Saturday of the month: Old Time Jam in Rochester at Crossroads Coffee House

Please email
if you would like to be added to this list!

Rochester Area TEACHERS


Rochester Area PLAYERS


First Post: Welcome!

Hello! My name is Kelly. I started playing bluegrass music a few years ago and, of course, like everyone else who starts playing bluegrass music, fell in love with it and just can't play it enough.

When I first started playing fiddle, I had no idea how to approach taking my classical background into improvising bluegrass.

When I first started trying to find local people to listen to and jam with, I kept finding different groups and teachers who had no idea that other groups and teachers existed.

So, I decided to start this website as a Home Base to keep track of everything that I keep discovering.  Maybe you seasoned and experienced guys already know all this stuff already, but if you are new to the bluegrass scene, or playing scene, or listening scene, I hope you find this information useful!

I am happy to add any information to any link or site... please email me at